How Do I Apply?

How to Apply for Food, Cash and Medical Assistance

Applying for food, cash, and medical assistance through Clermont County  involves a few steps. Please read the following information carefully to ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible. Please note it may take up to 30 days to complete your application.


Due to a system upgrade, OHIO SNAP recipients will not be able to make purchases and/or returns with your Ohio Direction card on Sunday, January 12th starting around 10:00 pm until Monday, January 13th at 7:00 am

We apologize for any inconvenience.


Step 1: Submit an Application

You can submit your application in the following ways:

* Please note: Applications for Medicaid only can be completed via phone at 1-844-640-6446 between 8:00am and 10:00am.  

Step 2: Gather Verification Documents

As part of the application, you will need to submit a number of verification documents. The specific documents accepted are listed in the application, but in general we will need to verify:

Please write your name and case number or social security number on all verification documents.

Here are the required documents needed for each program: Verification Checklist


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Step 3: The Interview

Interviews are completed for some, but not all, public assistance programs.  For SNAP/Cash, once you have submitted your application, you will receive a letter in the mail providing you with a date and time, and we will call you and complete a telephone interview.  That appointment will generally be within 7 days of the submission of your application*.

* Please note: Applications for waiver Medicaid and for those in nursing homes are scheduled separately and will not necessarily fall into these timeframes. Certain other Medicaid applications for benefits may be completed without an actual interview. Child Care does not require an interview.  

Step 4: Return any Additional Verification Documents

At the end of your telephone interview, your caseworker will inform you of any additional verifications needed to complete your case. The sooner you return the verifications, the sooner your case can be completed. However, your application must be processed within 30 days of it being submitted.

Return those verification documents to us with your name and case number or social security number on ALL documents.

Steph 5: Check the Status of Your Case or Application

You can now check the status of your application or case by calling 1-844-640-6446 or online.

The State of Ohio Online Benefits portal (My Case) provides an easy way to check the status of your application or case for food, cash and medical assistance. You can also complete an interim report or reapplication and view case information, sometimes known as a “benefits printout”.

Missed your scheduled appointment? 

Missed Scheduled Intake: You may call 1-844-640-6446 the next between day to reschedule your missed phone appointment.  This must occur within 60 days of your application date.

Missed Scheduled Review: You can call in the next business day between 9:30am to noon, you may call 1-844-640-6446, select the appropriate prompts, let the operator know you are calling for a missed review.

Need to report a change?

Not only do you need to your report your change(s), within 10 days, you need to verify the change(s) as well. You may report and verify the change in the lobby, via phone, fax, email or mail. Our drop box remains accessible 24 hours a day and all documents will be processed in date order. Our lobby is open 8:00am – 4:00pm so that you may access hard copy forms. You may also report and verify changes to

Visit our Forms page here for change reporting forms.