The Fraud Unit of the Clermont County Department of Job Family Services was created to reduce fraud in all public assistance programs. The Unit accepts referrals and conducts investigations on all reports of possible fraud with the goal of prevention, detection and prosecution.
ANYONE can report public assistance fraud anonymously to Clermont County DJFS.
To report Fraud contact:
Clermont County Department of Job and Family Services
Investigation/Benefit Recovery Unit
2400 Clermont Center Drive
Batavia, Ohio 45103
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Phone Number
The Fraud Hotline:
What are the different types of of public assistance fraud?
- Child care provider fraud – for example, a provider billing the county for child care services that weren’t provided
- Child care assistance fraud
- SNAP recipient fraud –for example, a person failing to report income or employment, or a person failing to report their spouse/significant other in the home
- SNAP store fraud – for example, a storeowner knowingly accepting SNAP benefits in exchange for alcohol, tobacco, or other non-food items
- Medicaid Provider fraud – for example, a doctor’s office billing Medicaid for services that were not performed
- Medicaid recipient fraud
- OWF (Cash Assistance) recipient fraud
- Prevention: Keeping fraud from happening in the first place. The Early Detection and Prevention (EDP) program allows the caseworker to refer cases that are error-prone to the Fraud Unit for review. Review of these cases can tell if the customer is reporting false information to receive benefits they are not eligible to receive and ensures that the eligibility determination is correct.
- Detection: Finding out, through the review process, that fraud has occurred. Fraud can be found in an open or closed case, and can affect benefits received under single or multiple programs.
- Referral for Prosecution: Once there is proof that fraud has occurred, a referral is made to the County Prosecutor. The county prosecutor will review the case to make a determination if the client will be prosecuted.
Benefit Recovery:
This Benefit Recovery Unit is responsible for the collection of overpayments. There are (3) methods of repayment.
- If the individual(s) is on assistance, their allotment is reduced by 10% – 20% (OWF and Food Stamps only).
- Agreement to make monthly payments. The Benefit Recovery unit is also able to recover past-due overpayments through federal or Ohio State Income Tax refunds relative to guidelines set forth by the Ohio Dept. of Job & Family Services.
- Referral to the Prosecutor for possible Criminal or Civil action.
To report fraud click the link below.
For your awareness: If you have fallen victim to EBT skimming, please click here to download and print the necessary form to be completed and returned to Clermont County Department of Job and Family Services within 90 days of the occurrence.