Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency whose mission is to empower Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determination, and independence.


OOD helps connect the people of Ohio who have disabilities with the resources, support, and opportunities that fit their unique needs, abilities, and interests so that they can find and retain meaningful employment. Our Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) and Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI) tag-team to provide these services in partnership with hundreds of providers across Ohio.

OODs Division of Employer and Innovation Services also helps Ohio companies recruit, retain, and achieve accessibility in the workplace for employees with disabilities.

Disability Determination:

OOD also supports Ohioans applying for disability insurance or supplemental income by helping to determine whether they medically qualify for federal disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Our Division of Disability Determination provides this support in agreement with the SSA.


Independence for Ohioans with disabilities unites and drives all aspects of our agency. Our services, programs, and partnerships aim to help Ohioans live with greater independence and create a dependable foundation for their lives.

Through their Accessible Ohio initiative, we also consult with Ohio businesses, venues, attractions, and communities to identify barriers and establish goals for accessibility — directly supporting Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s commitment to making Ohio a disability-inclusion state and model employer of individuals with disabilities.

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities:
Location: 895 Central Ave 7th Floor Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-852-3260
Contact email: ood.swmedicalfax@ood.ohio.gov​
Website: https://ood.ohio.gov/about-us