Welcome to our community resource hub! Local resources provide assistance to those who need it most. Whether its food banks, shelters, or medical clinics, these services help vulnerable individuals and families meet their basic needs. Local resources are the backbone of a resilient, connected, and thriving community. They create a safety net, promote well-being, and enhance the overall quality of life for everyone.
There may be a waiting period for individuals and families applying for food assistance before they begin receiving benefits. If you need food help today, there are several resources available to you to help you find the help you need. You may also come into our agency and receive an IPM Food Box (1 box per family, per day).
Clermont County Community Resources:
Aid for Seniors: The Ultimate Guide to Government Aid for Seniors.
IPM: Drive Through and Choice Pantry hours visit https://www.ipmfoodpantry.org.
The National Hunger Line: The National Hunger Hotline is a national service that can help you find food near your home. Call the hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) to get help or visit whyhunger.org/findfood.
SEM Food Pantry: A Choice Pantry in Hamilton County that accepts Clermont County Residents. Visit https://www.semfoodpantry.org/about or their Facebook.
United Way 211: Clermont County residents can also call 211 to get help and access a variety of services. Callers can get help 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information visit www.uwgc.org.